Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Trust is a game
It can never be won
Lies are what you get
They are never that fun
Do you trust your best friend
Who says they’ll be with you till the end?
Or are they just with you
Until you start to bend?
People are not trustworthy
No matter what they say
For people lie all the time
Every week and every day
It is wise not to trust
For feelings these people will bust
When you do not even notice
Your life turns to rust
Even if they are your friend
Or even part of your family
They are still only people
Which means they are ungodly
This alone should be enough
To show you the people’s stuff
Of what they use to mislead you
To make your life very rough
I leave you with this
It may not be the best
Bus let it sink in
Right down to your chest
Don’t trust anyone
For people’s lies are not fun
But if you don’t make this choice
Prepare for a run